Monday, 31 August 2015

Riley's star student teaching - oreo challenge

For Riley's star student teaching she got us all to do the oreo challenge. 

The oreo biscuits starts on someones forehead, then without using their hands they have to try and get it to their mouth without dropping it.

Quite a few students could do it successfully, and some even got videoed doing it.

Visit to the Life Education van with Harold the giraffe

At the Life Education van we shared and learnt more about the body - what we need to keep us healthy, and the different systems inside us especially the brain. Harold came out for a visit and we got to see the new disco lights. It was great.

ASB get money wise programme

Vane from the ASB money wise programme spent 45 minutes with us to help use learn how to become better with money. 

Some of the things the students learnt were:
  • Saving money is like training, the earlier you start the better you get.
  • Start small and step your way up.
  • Spend some money on you and save some too.
  • It's good to save your money.
  • Three ways to earn money - chores, jobs for neighbours, sell and trade.
  • We are part of a family, so we need to help with things. So you are lucky if you get money for chores.
  • If you do some extra jobs at home you might get some money.
  • Sell things that are yours, not anyone else's.
  • Set up stalls in stores to sell your things.
  • You can create a business to earn some money.
  • How to build a business.
  • Sell things you make for more money than it costs you.
  • If you make something and sell it for less than it costs to make it, then you loose money.
  • The more money you put in the bank the more interest you earn.
  • You can get an eftpos card any time with parents permission but you need to be 18 years old to get a credit card.
  • The difference between a credit card and eftpos card.
  • With a eftpos card you only get what you put in.
  • Credit card = banks money, eftpos = your money.
  • PIN stands for Personal Identification Number.
  • A PIN is four numbers long.
  • We are the next generation.

Vane taught students a six step business plan:

step 1 Brainstorm at least 3 ideas of what to make, create etc. Choose one.
step 2 Decide how many things you are going to make.
step 3 Figure out what the costs are.
step 4 Decide how much you will charge.
Step 5 Figure out how much profit you will make.
Step 6 Decide what you call it. 

Some of the things the students liked were:
  • I liked the whole time he was with us because he was funny and just a really cool guy. -Sachin 
  • I liked how Vane was really funny. -Ellie, Emma, Ryan
  • I liked his sense of humour. -Declan
  • He's silly. -Michael
  • I liked when he was talking funny and doing funny hand movements. -Lavayssa
  • I liked when he made us do activities and because he was nice. -Finn
  • I liked when he slapped the magnet signs on the board. -Jonny, Xavier, Lauryn, Alexander
  • He was smart with money. -Ellie
  • I liked when we walked around the class and clapped. -Izzy, Jared, Lilah, Riley, Despot, Jonny, Emma, Ryder, Sam, Ryan, Amber
  • I liked hearing the business ideas. -Amelia
  • I liked when we did the business thing. -Kaleb and Josh
  • I liked learning about starting up a business. -Lauryn
  • I liked how he gave out wrist bands at the end. -Alex

Monday, 17 August 2015

Google Presentation - something I love

This term we need to make a google presentation of something we love. These are all the things that we need to have in our presentations.

Here is one that are finished. Click on the link below the picture to see the presentation. Then 'present' the presentation to see the transitions.

To view Emma's presentation "Emma loves cats" CLICK HERE.

Lilah's Star Student teaching - stress balls

For Lilah's start student teaching she bought in the things for us to all make stress balls. We used balloons, rice and a little bit of flour. There were fun to make.

Buddy class with Room 5 and 9 - in the hall with PE gear

One of the advantages of being in charge of the PE shed is that we can get out whatever equipment we want. 

So for buddy class we got out lots of different things and made a circuit in the hall. We had lots of fun. The teachers loved seeing the older students helping, encouraging, showing, high fiving and complimenting the little buddies.

Some of the photos are blurry since the students were moving so fast.

More sculptures of robots with play dough

The second group for art rotation made these cool looking robots. They used different tools to make texture and details.

Monday, 10 August 2015

Amelia's star student teaching-microwave fudge

Yummy yummy yummy!!!

For her star student teaching, Amelia taught us how to make fudge in the microwave. Whisking and mixing and asking people to help, everything happened that needed to happen. Everyone got a turn and the finished product was delicious!