On the 13th of May 2016 the Kereru syndicate had a challenge group and we had tons of fun. We were split into random groups that was about the size of a class and had fun making buildings of playing cards. Each group was surprised how well and high they built their houses of cards, but some people were a little disappointed that their card forts fell. Even though it was hard, the groups stayed on track and kept on going even if it got really hard. Next time we all hope we do better when we build the forts and that they don’t fall as much as last time. B-)
By Ben and Angus
Notes from Mrs Wilson
Why did we call it stirfry challenge?
One of things we like to do is mix all the Year 5-6 students up and have them working with others that are not in their class. So metaphorically we stirred up all of their names and made 5 new groups. Fry - because we do the group on a Friday. Challenge - each week the students get a different challenge. Each group in our five classes does the same challenge at the same time.
What was the challenge with the cards?
Students were challenged to make the 'best' structure with about half a pack of cards. As a group of 3-5 they had to agree on what their criteria for 'best' was eg biggest, strongest etc.
How does this link to the curriculum, isn't it just playing?
The NZ Curriculum has the five key competences that weave through all curriculum learning. They are
- Relating to others.
- Managing self.
- Participating and contributing.
- Thinking.
- Using languages, symbols and text
With the card challenge we focused on participating and contributing to their groups creation and managing themselves as individuals and as a group.
The second week the groups met they used blocks and a range of other equipment. They had challenges like
- build something that only has one long skinny block as the bass
- build something that has the cups in the middle
- build something that has things sticking out and the cups are balancing on the sticky out things.