Friday, 2 December 2016

Writing about our pets

Students wrote about why their pets are awesome.

Photo prompt - boy with head stuck in chair

Students used this photo as a prompt for their writing.

They had to tell the story from the point of view of one of the characters. The had to make up the back story (what happened before the photo), write about what they saw and and felt in the photo, then write about what happened after the photo.

Here is Calla's fantastic work.

Posters about 3-d shapes

Students worked by themselves or with a partner to research a 3-d shape. They had to find out: - how many vertices (corners), edges and faces it had - what the net or nets looked like to make it - what some real life examples were and then they had to make one. These videos are some students talking about their posters from their Seesaw accounts.


Mannequin challenge

We had a go at the mannequin challenge. We tried three different versions.