Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Bubble experiment number 1

Today in our bubble groups we
-discussed new vocabulary
-made a plan for our first trial
-did our first trial
-recorded our results
-discussed some changes to make for our next trial

Words we discussed:
  • fair test-only changing 1 thing (variable), could change what it is or how much is used
  • investigate-research, mystery with clues, looking in to something, finding out things, following instructions to try and figure something out
  • procedure-instructions, what is written down that is exactly what to do/was done
  • observation-looking at something carefully to notice what happened or changes
  • measure-getting amounts of ingredients
  • tea spoon-smaller spoon, used to make cups of tea
  • table spoon-bigger spoon
  • results-what happened
  • conclusion-explaining what happened and why
Plan for our first trial
Each group had 3 cups with the same amount of water. We had to discuss and decided what else we wanted to put in and how much. We had to remember to change only one variable (amount or ingredient) so it would be a fair test.

Some groups tried different dishwashing liquid, others had corn syrup, others used shampoo.

Our first trial
All groups had something that worked well.

Record our results
This was the hard part. We had to be specific with writing down what happened with the bubbles. For each mixture/cup we had to write down how many bubbles were made, how big they were (as big as thumb, hand, head) and when they popped (on the wand or after floating).

Here are some examples of what students had written for their observations:

Hayley, Laura, Georgia, Lara and Sylvia
Each time we make the bubbles on the wand, it made 1 or 2 bubbles about the size of 1 1/2 hands.
Cup 3 was the best because the bubbles were really big.

Holly, Logan, Ben, Matthew, Ilya
Corn syrup needed to be scrapped off the spoon.
Cup 2 mostly popped while detaching from the wand.
Cup 3 blew about 1-3 decent bubbles that popped when touched by fingers.

Kailey, Hannah, Anoushka, Lulu
Cup 1-Each bubble was about the size of our hand. Most of the bubbles didn't come off the wand.
Cup 2-Blew small bubbles that bounced off out knees. Sometimes were as big as out head. Bubble lasted about 5-10 seconds.
Cup 3-The small bubbles lasted better.

Charlotte, Seren
Cup 1-this made 1 bubble at a time.
Cup 2-it blue big bubbles but they popped straights away on the wand.
Cup 3-This mixture failed completely and made no bubbles.

Arthur, Aiden, Liam, Noah, Giancarlo, Bryan
Cup 1-It blue bubbles about the size of your hand. We spilt some mixture so had to change our wand shape.
Cup 2-Some bubbles split into 5 bubbles.
Cup 3-We didn't get to make this one because we ran out of time.

Zech, Elysium, Ashton, Kerwin, Campbell
Cup 1 worked probably the best.
Cup 2-One of our bubbles was as big as Ashton's hand.
Cup 3-The bubbles were good on the wand cause we walked with it so it slowly came off the wand.

Changes for our next trial
We looked at what we found out today and made some changes to our recipe for next time.

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